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The unit of measurement of feelings. Israeli scientists have learned to read minds according to the handwriting.

Are you stressed and depressed? Are you happy and emotions overwhelm you? Write any words on paper. We will find out what happens to you when we see HOW, not WHAT, you have written. Scientists at the University of Haifa learned to identify the inner state of a person by …

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Elections in Haifa. «Glass ceiling» and WC

Local councils and mayors elections of Israel’s cities will be held on October 30. Candidates are becoming increasingly active while trying to increase the turnout percentage and attract as many supporters as possible. Who will take place in the «garden city» The mayor position, especially in the major cities of …

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The door to another reality was open in Haifa

Our correspondent has walked into another reality and exited in Balfour street in Haifa. Through the balfour tunnel Not all would agree to go on such a journey but a courageous and committed employee. Inessa Mezhova went through the underground passage transformed by Intel Company to an entertainment and technological …

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Эссе. Шуля Примак. Летнее полетное

Что может заставить  такую сову, как я, вставать ежедневно в пять утра? Только любовь! Ну, и ещё немного честолюбие. Ну, еще и любопытство, да. Новая моя работа вполне подходит под эти критерии, если честно. Особенно под любопытство. Я просыпаюсь в темноте в предвкушении доброго дня. Улыбаюсь своему отражению в зеркале …

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The 5779 anniversary of Adam creation. Shana tova!

A Jewish New Year dinner is special. Each dish has deep spiritual significance. We also laid our symbolic table and invite all our friends to share. Let only loving people be around us, living in harmony with the Lord. Happy New Year! (drawings by Anna Utkina) «May it be Your …

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A real Gefilte fish recipe from the owner of Omnivore gastrobar in Haifa Olga Goral

Welcoming the coming 5779 following delicious Ashkenazi traditions with stuffed fish at the head of the New Year table. Remembering our barefooted childhood, grannies and grandpas and create gefilte fish in our own kitchen. Ingredients: Carp (filet, head and spine) — 1 kg Pike perch or similar sea fish  — …

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The juice and essence of pomegranate. The pomegranate increases the level of testosterone and treats cancer.

The beginning of the year is equal to the season of pomegranates.  There are  ridges of ruby-red balls in the markets. They are used as decorations and they are presented to friends. «Rivers» of pomegranate juice flow throughout the winter. This fruit symbolizes the East and the Jewish people. 613 …

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Jewish population has increased by 100 thousand

On the threshold of Rosh-ha-Shana a Jewish Agency Sohnut published results of a well-known demographer, Jerusalem University professor Sergio Della Pergola on the number of Jews in Israel, in the expats communities and around the world. The research included not only data on halachic jews but also on those who …

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Avocado, Instagram and a Jew from Amsterdam

  A restaurant network The Avocado Show in Amsterdam is so incredibly popular that critics have called it a cultural phenomenon and a sign of the times. Apparently in order to conquer the capital of Holland you need practically nothing — a small place, a simple concept and an account …

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Cyber revolution in Israel

The Israel Innovation Authority, the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry, and the National Cyber Directorate launch a dedicated program to strengthen Israel’s cyber industry at a scope of NIS 90 million over the next three years August 14th, 2018, Jerusalem. Israeli Minister of Economy and Industry, Eli Cohen: “The joint program …

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